Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dream Big

Albert Einstien said,"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere.

That quote came from a collection of quotes in a little book called Dream Big, Starring Olivia.This is a book of inspirational sayings by the author of the Olivia books, Ian Falconer. Of course it made me think of the power of imagination. In my book, Beyond the Red Door, Zach sits in front of the starfield screensaver on his computer and pretends he is flying through space past planets, asteroids and stars. When he sees into God's world, it is beyond what he ever imagined.

When we let the God of the universe empower our thoughts, true imagination is born. God is limitless, and he wants us to push past our finite boundaries into his creative realm. God-inspired fiction can awaken our minds, bring hope, and steer our imaginations to dream big.


  1. Loved reading your first page at the workshop this weekend! I am confident that God will bless your writing project and bring you to the desire of your heart! Beth (writing as Jenna Victoria)
